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       During the 1950-1980 period, there was just one investment channel for education - the government. The government drew up a unified development plan for education and development was entirely financed by budgetary appropriations. Under this system, education faced a serious shortage of funds and schools had no need for efficiency. After the 1980s, in a number of major education-related laws and regulations, the government proposes that the initiative of social quarters in running schools be brought into full play, that government appropriations for education be used mainly for making compulsory education universal and for covering the bulk of expenses of higher education, and that, at the non-compulsory education stage, the proportion of tuition in overall school expenses be increased appropriately. A new education investment system is taking shape in China, under which government budgetary appropriations continue to cover the bulk of educational expenses while funds for education are raised through other channels.
       At present, educational funds in China come mainly from the following sources:
